The concept of Aikido

The concept of Aikido is composed by two separate terms: Aiki, and Dō.

Aiki KanjiThe term Aiki (合気) arises from the union of the words Ai attributed as “meeting”, “together”, “Union” and Ki attributed as “vital energy”, “power”, “power” ‘ spirit ‘. Etymologically Aiki can be attributed either as a meeting of intentions or of actions. Despite the ambiguity of the stereotypes used in the environment of the term, it is clear that it is in fact a technique . It is a technique by which the opponent’s strength is nullified at the time of meeting or of coming into contact with him. Following that jujutsu (roll & stopping), or atemi-jutsu techniques are applied to incapacitate the opponent. This is way the old teachers, even Morihei Ueshiba himself, originally used the term Aiki-jujutsu. At the highest levels of the art Aiki and Jujutsu are merged into a single action.
Do KanjiThe term Dō (道) has origins inancient China and literally means path or route but metaphorically it can also be attributed as method or principle. The term was first introduced from China to Japan through the Confucian classics and Daoist texts. In modern times it is used in common parlance to refer to a method of mental and physical development of the individual. Examples of the use of the term are Bu-Dō-“the way of war”, Ju-Dō-“the way of leniency,” Ken-Dō-“the way of the sword”, Karate-Dō-“method of the empty hand” and Cha-Dō-“the way of Tea’ and Shō-Dō-” art of ink “or calligraphy.